While many Eventective businesses enjoy tremendous success from our competitive Leads, some businesses listed on our site see these competitive Leads as a nuisance. As a result, Lead messages are lost in their Inbox. And with the increase in the number of Referrals, so are some potential clients.
Receiving competitive Leads via email is an option we recommend turning on in your Lead Preferences. Read the Lead Preferences blog post to learn more.
Planners Interested in You
Referrals are generated when a planner is interested in learning more about your business, and clicks the Request Pricing button either on your listing — or more frequently, on the browse page.
After filling out an Event Request, the Referral is sent direct to you at no charge, because the planner selected to contact your listing. Other businesses may receive the Lead if the planner elected to send competitive Leads to businesses similar to yours — but those businesses will be required to pay for the contact information.
Respond to Your Referrals
When you receive a Referral, you will see all the event details in the message, except for the planner’s contact information. To view the contact details, you must be logged in to your Eventective account.
Simply click on the link in the email, log in or register, and go to your My Eventective Page. On your My Eventective page, you will see a notification that you received a direct event request:
This link takes you to your Inbox, and automatically filters to display only Referrals.
To view the event details, including contact information, tap or click the Referral to see more details. You can see any contact information the Referral provided, along with the basic event details: number of guests, event date, budget details, and food considerations.

Click on the contact email address listed to send a message using your personal email.
If the Referral left their phone number, we recommend calling as soon as possible. You can simply tap the phone number on any mobile device (or call-enabled computer) to connect immediately. Or, simply send a reply to the planner from your Eventective Inbox.
It is very important for you to respond to your Referrals. These planners are interested in your business and expect to hear back from you. Be sure to respond — even if you cannot accommodate their event.
Always respond to every Referral!
Referrals and Leads both come from Eventective@noreply.eventective.com. Please add this address to your safe-senders list so potential business is not ending up in your junk folder. Learn more about Referrals and Leads here.