The Eventective Tasks feature is now available. Assign Tasks to yourself or other users for specific events or general tasks that apply to your profile.

Event Detail Tasks

Within the Eventective Inbox, you can now create Tasks relevant to the event you are viewing. Choose the Tasks tab in the Messages pane to Add or view Tasks for the selected event. By default, the list is filtered to display only Incomplete tasks.

General Task List

Tasks for all events are displayed in the general Tasks list in the Menu dropdown. By default, the list is filtered for incomplete tasks owned by you, the logged-in user. Clear individual filter components or open the filter to choose other users or profiles.

Jump to the Event Detail for a Task by clicking on the event link in the list. Tasks added from the general Task List will not be associated with a specific event.


Users can choose to receive Task reminders via email or SMS text message. Set your notification preferences in My Eventective > Settings > Notifications.

Additionally, users receive an onscreen Notification of all Incomplete Tasks with a due date of today or earlier.

If you have any questions or feedback about the Tasks feature, please contact your Account Manager.