When it comes to better booking, it’s often the little things that set you apart from your competition.  These days, event planners’ initial search for venues and vendors takes place online, which means that building your digital brand needs to be a priority.

Not sure where to start? Don’t worry – we’ve got you covered.  

Define Your Target Customer

It’s important to consider who your brand is trying to attract. the more specifically you can pinpoint the type of person you are selling to, the better.  That could be anything from the type of supermarket they like to shop at to whether they read books or prefer magazines.  

Pinpoint Your Strengths

Take some time to figure out what makes you, you.  What is your specialty? What do you do that’s unique?  If you had only 30 seconds to talk to a potential customer, what would you want them to know about you and your business.

Simplify Your Message

There’s a reason it’s important to consider your 30 second pitch: when it comes to shopping online – whether it’s for a new pair of shoes or an event photographer – strategize for a short attention span.  Keep in mind that most people are going to scan, not read, your website’s copy.  Consider your message as if you’re making an ad for a large billboard: make sure those strengths you just outlined are clearly defined and concise.  

Use Repetition

Memorization is built through repetition, as we all remember from grade school.  Think of a few signature phrases (extra points for alliteration) – sprinkle them throughout your website and use them while blogging, tweeting, or posting on Facebook.  Make sure the name of your brand or business is displayed in several places on each webpage. Use your best judgement: you don’t want to annoy people, but you do want to stick in their brain.

Be Sincere

You may have the catchiest tagline in the world, if it’s not sincere, it’s not going to work in the long run.  No one wants to hire a bullshitter – the easiest way to shine is to be comfortably, authentically you. Believe us, your future clients will love you for it.

Keep Engaging

Maybe you posted something on Facebook and nobody noticed, or maybe your last blogpost didn’t get any clicks: we’ve all been there.  It can be easy to feel discouraged when there’s no immediate feedback, but again we’ve all been there.  Keep trying to engage with people, and remember our last lesson: be sincere.  Clickbait-y posts may get you more traffic, but posts that come from the heart will build better booking.