Endless research tells us that high quality images are the most important part of selling services or products online, but figuring out which pictures to use can be tricky.

In order to make it easy, we’ll be sharing 5 key pictures for every category, starting with Wedding Venues.

External Venue Shot

Give potential clients a sense of what your venue looks like from the outside with an external shot of your venue as it looks day to day.

Photo: Courtesy of David Dashiell of The Mount in Lenox, MA

Photo: Courtesy of David Dashiell of The Mount in Lenox, MA

Empty Internal Venue Shot

Think of this photo as a blank canvas for your potential customers so that they can envision their wedding taking place there, and prevent the potential risk of losing customers who aren’t keen on a previous couple’s taste.

Barn on Walnut Hill in North Yarmouth, Maine Photo Credit: Sharyn Peavey

Barn on Walnut Hill in North Yarmouth, Maine Photo Credit: Sharyn Peavey

Photo courtesy of Hardy Farm c.1750 in Fryeburg, ME

Photo courtesy of Hardy Farm c.1750 in Fryeburg, ME

Ceremony Shot

More and more couples are choosing to use the same venue for their ceremony and reception – give them a sense of the possibilities by including a photo of a potential ceremony spot.

Photo Coutesy of Dunton Springs in Dolores, CO. Photo Credit: Twin Lens photography

Photo Coutesy of Dunton Springs in Dolores, CO. Photo Credit: Twin Lens photography

Reception Shot

Once again, it’s all about showing wedding planners your venue’s potential.  Don’t be afraid to choose a picture from one of your more opulent occasions in order to inspire.

The National Museum of Women in Art, Washington DC.  Photocredit: Freed Photography

The National Museum of Women in Art, Washington DC.  Photocredit: Freed Photography

Evening/Nighttime Shot

Everything looks different at night – make sure potential clients who are interested in an evening or nighttime wedding don’t have to imagine what your venue looks like at night – show them with a beautiful photograph.

wedding gazebo on the wooden pier into the sea with the sun at sunset

The Takeaways

The point of these images is to allow potential clients to envision their special day at your venue, which means including a wide range of pictures from prior events that showcase your venue’s versatility.  

Be sure to include photos in the following five categories:

  1. External Venue Shot – because there’s only one chance to make a first impression
  2. Empty Internal Shot – because there’s nothing more inspiring than a blank canvas
  3. Ceremony Shot – because they want it all
  4. Reception Shot – because a little romance goes a long way
  5. Evening/Nighttime Shot – because day or night, you can make their dreams come true

The most important thing to remember? While these five images are crucial, more is more! This is truly a situation in which the more photos you have, the easier it will be to attract new clients and book more events. Eventective has no limit on the number of photos you can display, however 10 to 20 high quality images are recommended.

Want to learn more about the importance of profile photos? Watch this short, one-minute video!