

Back to School Party Ideas

Summer is winding down. Kids (and parents) are getting excited about the return to the classroom. Back-to-school sales are starting. And you can almost hear that bus rounding the corner.


5 Engaging Meeting Spaces

Whether you’re hosting a meeting for a small team or a large group, moving a meeting to a more engaging environment can help create an atmosphere that encourages listening, interaction, productivity, and information retention.

Meetings, Planners

Planning an Effective Leadership Retreat

Planning an effective leadership retreat can be a valuable tool for organizations that want to improve performance. An effective leadership retreat provides your team the opportunity to build relationships, develop new skills, set goals, brainstorm solutions and celebrate successes. Creating…

vegetable skewers and sausage on the grill
Inspiration, Parties

7 Ways to Throw a Summer BBQ on a Budget

Summer is nearly here, which means sunshine, vacations, and fun for the whole family. But it also means parties! There will be get-togethers aplenty and you’re bound to host at least one of them. So how can you throw a hot summer barbecue without breaking the bank? We’ve got 7 ideas to keep your party budget low when the temperatures are high.
