It is understandable that cost is a major factor when planning any event.  I personally provide wedding and other photography for my clients.  Here are a few tips I have discovered over the years.  As you will find by searching the Internet for a photographer, almost anyone can take a great looking picture. Wedding photographers are all over the net. 

Here are a few considerations that will profit and protect you with whomever you choose.

  1. A FREE family member will cost you little or nothing, but you might get little or nothing in return of the most important day of your life.  You will see too many photos of the back of people’s heads.  You will see out of focus pictures of your wedding. And when they get tired of running around capturing the beautiful candid shots, you will have no record of them. Lastly, they will all be shot on the “Auto” camera setting. 
  2. Professional photographers should be happy to send you email references.  Don’t be afraid to ask for a few. 
  3. Get your venue and your photographer at least 10 to 12 months before your scheduled date.  Photographer wedding dates fill up fast, usually.  One year in advance is a common practice. 
  4. With the advent of the Internet, everyone understands the internet was made for pictures. It is wise to consider a photographer who will include in your wedding package, all of the original photos (edited) and copyright free on a photo CD.  You should be able to print anything and as many as you like.  After all, you paid for them, they should be yours.
  5. According to a website survey from “Money Under 30”, the average cost of a wedding photographer is $2,000.  My largest package is $1,599 and my bestseller.  Wedding photographers in the price range of $500 to $700 are to be considered suspect.  For every hour your photographer is behind the camera, they will spend another two hours in front of their computer making your photos look fantastic!  Wedding photography is difficult at best.  All types of lighting conditions and actions can be found in just one wedding.  Photographers who charge upwards of $3,000 to $5,000 are way too proud of their work. They are pros and might even have made a name for themselves.  Good for them.  If you like their work and someone is paying for them, you will love it!  One last thought when considering a professional wedding photographer.  If the price sounds a bit too high for you, remember, there is a very good chance you are going to receive lots of cash gifts at your wedding.  You might consider putting some of this towards the right wedding package.  The digital photos of that day will last for years.
  6. Wedding photography is an art-form.  Each photographer has his or her own photographic style.  As soon as you look at their website, you will decide if you want to consider them as your wedding photographer. By Bob Coker of Bob Coker Photos