Digital RSVPs Email Notification

Many of our lead buyers use the contact information received through the Eventective Competitive Lead Program to create their own marketing list.  Each lead received through our Competitive Lead Program is a real person planning an event in your area.  If they were not responsive to your initial contact message, it does not mean that they are no longer in need of your services.  They may not have had the opportunity to consider your offer yet.  Putting their email on your marketing list serves as a gentle reminder that you still can meet their needs, if and when they require your services.

Marketing materials such as product newsletters, event announcements, and special deals can be sent to your marketing list regularly to remind customers of the services you have to offer.  Highlight your strengths, describe the value you offer, and make it fun to distinguish yourself.

You can manage your email marketing campaigns in a simple spreadsheet if you have a small distribution list, or you can search online for one of many email campaign tools to meet your needs.  Suppliers such as Constant Contact, Vertical Response, and MailChimp all offer free trials.  However you choose to manage your list, be sure to include an option allowing recipients to unsubscribe from future mailings.

To reach an even wider audience, Eventective offers email marketing at reasonable rates.  Segment your target recipients by event type, event date, geographical region and more.  Contact our team to learn more about this service.