Eventective is a great way to engage online with people planning events in your area. We offer several ways of reaching folks looking for your services, including our Lead Digest, mobile-optimized site and Package Pricing.
Keep in Touch with Planners
In 2012, Eventective stopped sending Competitive Leads via email to providers unless they specifically requested them via email. We continue to post leads online for all providers still opted into our Pay-Per-Lead program regardless of notification preferences. What this means is that thousands of event venues and vendors have been woefully unaware of event business right at their doorstep.
January of 2013, we introduced the Lead Digest for those providers who chose not to receive Competitive Leads in their inbox as they are submitted by planners. The Digest is a periodic email summarizing the most recent Competitive Leads in your area for providers receiving 3 or more leads in a 5-day period. The Lead Digest is intended to remind you of the real events being planned in your area that you could be competing for.
Stay Visible Beyond the Desktop
Eventective introduced our mobile version of the website, in September of 2012. At that time, traffic to the site from mobile devices – specifically smart phones – was around 22% of our total. At the end of January 2013, that traffic is up to 29%, and if we include tablet devices as well as phones, the figure rises to nearly 40% – in just 5 months!
Eventective Subscribers reap the most reward from the mobile site, on smaller devices the subscriber preferred placement garners more attention. And more traffic – to your website, and to your phone using the click to call feature.
Show Them Value
One million visitors come to Eventective every month searching for information to help them in planning their event. Most of them have no idea what they should expect to pay for event venues and services. Let them know what to expect from you before they call with package pricing.
The majority of our visitors in 2012 were planning events for 75 to 100 people.
Create a package showing the best price you can offer for an event that size and you will have already answered the most important question in the planner’s mind – how much? If the final price depends on the complete details of the event, state that in your package, but put something up to get the conversation started.
Eventective will even create the packages for you. If you already have pricing on your website, contact us and we’ll put that information on your listing for you. These are just some of the tools Eventective offers to help you promote your event business to our visitors. Eventective is working for you.