No, that’s not a typo in the title. Galentine’s Day is celebrated just before Valentine’s Day, on February 13. Originating from the TV show Parks and Recreation, the day is set aside for gal pals—single or otherwise—to celebrate each other.
So, in the spirit of friendship and (platonic) love, gather your gals for the special day! This probably isn’t the only time you hang out, so we’ve come up with a few ideas to make the day a little outside of the norm.
1. Spa Day
Go get massages, manicures, the works! Take some time to relax and catch up. Spas offer lots of couples packages—who says you have to go with your significant other? Plus, if either of you have a Valentine’s Day date, this will be the perfect opportunity to prepare for that!
2. Book Exchange
It’s an Icelandic tradition to swap favorite reads on Christmas Eve—but you can do this for Galentine’s Day, too! This is especially fun for your long-distance friends. Choose a book you think the other will enjoy, and mail a copy with a nice note inside. You don’t have to see them in person to appreciate their friendship!
3. Volunteer Locally
Granted, this isn’t a typical social event. But both Valentine’s and Galentine’s Day are about spreading love—so why not do the same to your community? Get some friends together and head to your local soup kitchen community partner. We do recommend coordinating with the organization ahead of time; not every place accepts walk-in volunteers, because they may already be fully staffed that day.
4. Dinner Party
Time to get fancy! Get your gal pals all dressed up for a formal dinner—complete with wine and jazz music in the background. Ask everyone to bring a bottle of wine or an appetizer to enjoy before the main course. If you have a lot of friends, consider asking one or two to co-host with you to help prepare the main course and any sides.
5. Slumber Party
Remember staying up late, watching movies and talking about the class cutie? You’re never too old to do that! Gather everyone’s favorite childhood snacks and movies, and watch away. If you’re really feeling reminiscent, ask everyone to come in their pajamas for the get together!
6. Send Flowers
Another option for the far-away friend, this one is best done as a surprise. Find a local florist who will deliver flowers to work or home. Most locations will allow for a short note, and some will even send chocolate, too!
7. Watch Parks and Recreation
Of course, it’s going to be hard to celebrate Galentine’s Day and not watch it! You probably don’t have time to watch the entire show in a day, but have everyone choose a favorite episode or two, and kick off the viewing party with Season 2, Episode 16.
Whatever you choose to do with your BFFs, it’s going to be a blast! The whole point of Galentine’s Day is to appreciate your friends and spend some quality time with them. So see what they’re up to, and plan a fun day!