Tips for Postponing Your Wedding
No matter how much time or money you spent, postponing your wedding is a difficult and emotional decision.
No matter how much time or money you spent, postponing your wedding is a difficult and emotional decision.
Consider these unique ways to involve your friends and family in your virtual wedding, and make the day even more special.
These tips should help make your next steps—and your ultimate decision—a little easier.
In the middle of wedding planning, you’re probably asking, “What activities should I plan? And will there be enough time?” We’re here to answer those questions for you!
Choosing your wedding color palette makes other wedding-related decisions easier—like napkins, flowers, and bridesmaid dresses.
If you want to share your wedding day with friends and family—and not their devices—hosting an unplugged wedding might be the right choice for you.
Choosing to hire a wedding planner isn’t always an easy decision. But if you don’t know what you’re doing, or have a busy schedule, outside help will save you time, money, and emotional energy.
Choosing a wedding dress is no small ordeal. That’s why there are TV shows, magazines, and websites devoted entirely to that one part of the ceremony. A wedding dress is no small expense, either. Across all 50 states, only a…
We’ll never stop saying it—planning a wedding takes a lot of work. For many couples, the planning happens in background between jobs, social lives, child care, or education classes. Your wedding can actually start to feel like its own job….